序號 | 英文 | 中文 |
1 | AAC | 擴大及替代溝通 |
2 | accommodation | 調適 |
3 | achievement tests | 成就測驗 |
4 | Action research | 行動研究 |
5 | Active learning | 主動學習 |
6 | active learning | 互動式學習 |
7 | adaptation | 適應 |
8 | affirmative/ questions | 肯定/不確定疑問 |
9 | after school child care services | 課後照顧(或托育)服務 |
10 | Age-appropriateness | 適齡 |
11 | aggression | 攻擊行為 |
12 | altruism | 利他行為 |
13 | anal stage | 肛門期 |
14 | anthroposophy | 人智學 |
15 | Art area | 美勞區 |
16 | Assessment | 評估 |
17 | assimilation | 同化 |
18 | attachment | 依附行為 |
19 | authentic evaluation | 真實評量 |
20 | autism | 自閉症與科技 |
21 | Bank Street Approach | 河濱街學前教育模式 |
22 | Barbinski reflex | 巴賓斯反射 |
23 | Bibliography | 參考書目 |
24 | Bilingualism | 雙語教育 |
25 | black bile | 黑膽汁型 |
26 | Blended learning | 混成式教學 |
27 | Block area | 積木區 |
28 | Blue Ocean Strategy | 藍海策略 |
29 | body fluids | 黏汁液型 |
30 | centration | 集中化 |
31 | cephalocaudal principle | 頭尾原則 |
32 | child | 幼兒 |
33 | child Welfare | 兒童福利 |
34 | child-centered | 以孩子為中心 |
35 | Child-centered Classroom | 幼兒中心的教室 |
36 | Child-oriented environment | 幼兒導向的環境 |
37 | children literature | 幼兒文學 |
38 | children's museums | 兒童博物館 |
39 | Child-sized | 幼兒尺度 |
40 | chronosystem | 時間系統 |
41 | classical conditioning | 古典制約 |
42 | cognitive meaning | 認知意義 |
43 | cognitive-developmental theory | 認知發展理論 |
44 | Collaborative learning | 合作學習 |
45 | collaborative teaching | 協同教學 |
46 | communication disorder | 溝通障礙與科技 |
47 | community | 社區 |
48 | comparison | 比較 |
49 | Concept mapping | 概念圖 |
50 | conservation | 保留概念 |
51 | consolidation Stage | 強化階段 |
52 | Construction area | 建造區 |
53 | constructive learning | 建構學習 |
54 | constructive play | 建構式遊戲 |
55 | constructivist theory | 建構論 |
56 | contextually bound object permanence | 物體恆存 |
57 | Convention on the Right of the Child | 兒童權利公約 |
58 | cooperative learning | 合作學習 |
59 | cooperative play | 合作遊戲 |
60 | coregulation | 共律 |
61 | Creativity | 創造力 |
62 | critical ethonography | 批判俗民誌 |
63 | critical period | 關鍵期 |
64 | Critical thinking | 批判思考 |
65 | cross-sectional study | 橫斷研究 |
66 | cross-sequentioal study | 跨序列研究 |
67 | Cultural study | 文化研究 |
68 | Curriculum | 課程 |
69 | daily routine | 每日例行的作息 |
70 | Data analysis | 資料分析 |
71 | Data collection | 資料收集 |
72 | decenter | 去集中化 |
73 | Declaration of the Right of the Child | 兒童權利宣言 |
74 | deferred imitaiton | 延宕模仿 |
75 | development | 發展 |
76 | developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) | 發展合宜的教學實務 |
77 | Development-interaction Approach | 發展互動模式 |
78 | didactic materials | 教學教具 |
79 | differentiation integration | 分化統整 |
80 | difficult-child pattern | 磨娘精型 |
81 | discipline | 紀律 |
82 | discovery learning theory | 發現學習理論 |
83 | dishabituation | 去習慣化 |
84 | documentation | 文件紀錄 |
85 | domain of value | 價值領域 |
86 | Down syndrome | 唐氏症 |
87 | Dramatic area | 裝扮區 |
88 | dynamic assessment | 動態評量 |
89 | dyslexia | 閱讀障礙 |
90 | Early Childhood Education and Care Act | 幼兒教育及照顧法 |
91 | Early Childhood Nursery Education Voucher | 幼兒教育券 |
92 | Early Intervention | 早期療育 |
93 | easy-child pattern | 易養育型 |