郑雅文 Ya-Wen Cheng
状态 专任师资
姓名 郑雅文 Ya-Wen Cheng
职称 助理教授
研究室 M644
分机 1953
学历 国立中山大学资讯管理学系博士
专长 科技辅助学习、游戏式学习、教育机器人工具设计与理论、物联网玩具开发与设计
网站 https://reurl.cc/GpMxQ3
Office Hours 周一上午08:10-12:00

年度 论文名称
2023 Chih-Chien Hu、Yu-Fen Yang、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian-Shing Chen(Nian-Shing Chen)*, Integrating educational robot and low-cost selfmade toys to enhance STEM learning performance for primary school students, BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 2023
2023 Chiang, Y. V.,、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian-Shing Chen, Improving Language Learning Activity Design through Identifying Learning Difficulties in a Platform Using Educational Robots and IoT-based Tangible Objects, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, vol.26 no.3 pp.84-100, 2023
2022 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Yuping Wang、Yu-Jie Cheng、Nian-Shing Chen, The impact of learning support of robots and IoT-based toys on children’s language learning, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 2022
2021 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Yuping Wang、Yu-Fen Yang、Nian-Shing Chen, Designing an authoring system of robots and IoT-based toys for EFL teaching and learning, Computer Assisted Language Learning, vol.34 no.1-2 pp.6-34, 2021
2019 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Yuping Wang、Nian-Shing Chen(Nian-Shing Chen)*, An in-depth analysis of the interaction transitions in a collaborative Augmented Reality-based mathematic game, INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, vol.27 no.5-6 pp.782-796, 2019
2018 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Pei-chen Sun、Nian-Shing Chen(Nian-Shing Chen)*, The essential applications of educational robot: Requirement analysis from the perspectives of experts, researchers, and instructors., COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, vol.126 pp.399-416, 2018
发表日期 论文名称
2025.01 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian-Shing Chen, The Development and Evaluation of Robot Enhanced Picture Book Reading Learning System , 2025 6th International Conference on Advances in Education and Information Technology, Jan. 2025, Fukuoka, Japan
2024.03 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian-Shing Chen, Exploring the feasibility and effects of AI pedagogical agent in learning educational phycology , 第十九届台湾数码学习发展研讨会TWELF 2024, Mar. 2024, 台湾/台中/东海大学
2023.07 林美琪(KRISTINE MEI-CHI LIN)、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng), How Are Social Robots Used to Facilitate Social, Emotional Learning for Children? - 44th Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA), Jul. 2023, Bolongna, Italy
2021.06 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Yuping Wang、Nian-Shing Chen, The effect of learning support facilitated by robots and IoT, based toys on children’s language learning - The 4th Pedagogical and practice in technology enhanced lanague learning conference, PPTELL 2021, Jun. 2021, Taiwan, Taipei
2020.07 Yueh-hui Vanessa Chiang、Yu-Jie Zheng、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian-Shing Chen, Analyzing learners’ English learning process involving educational robots and IoT, based toys through the lens of zone of proximal development - In 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2020), Jul. 2020, Estonia, Tartu
2019.12 Ya-Fei Yang、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Ming-Rong Liang、Nian-Shing Chen, Developing and integrated system of robots and toys with internet of things for children’s language development , 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCCE 2019), Dec. 2019, Taiwab, Kending
2019.07 Yueh-hui Vanessa Chiang、Yu-Jie Zheng、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian-Shing Chen, A Preliminary Analysis of Learners' Social Behavioral Cues When Interacting with Language Learning Robots and IoT Based Toys. , 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), Jul. 2019, Toyama, Japan
2019.03 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Yuping Wang、Nian-Shing Chen, A framework for designing an immersive language learning environment integrated with educational robots and IoT, based toys - International Conference on Smart Learning Environments, ICSLE 2019, Mar. 2019, USA, Texas
2018.10 Zhi-Kwan Yang、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian-Shing Chen, Developing an integrated system of robot and IoT toys for toddlers aged 24, 30 months to acquire multiple native languages -a design thinking approach study - 2019 Association for Educational Communication & Technology Convention, Oct. 2018, USA, Kansas city
2017.07 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Pei-Chen Sun、Nian-Shing Chen, An investigation of the needs on educational robots , 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Jul. 2017, Romania, Timisoara
计画名称 参与人 计画期间
机器人结合AI 教学代理人促进幼儿社会情绪学习之设计、开发与评估 (113-2410-H-468 -007 -MY2 ) 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、Nian Shing Chen、Pei Yu Cheng 2024.08 ~ 2026.07
使用机器人结合蒙特梭利教学与教具设计高互动与具身体验提升幼儿之执行功能与社会情绪技能 (NSTC 112-2410-H-468-016-) 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、卓美秀(Mei-Hsiu Chuo) 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
使用社交机器人辅助儿童情绪学习:后设分析 (ST 111-2410-H-468-014 ) 林美琪(KRISTINE MEI-CHI LIN)、郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng) 2022.08 ~ 2023.07
培养双语环境中EFL学习者口说能力之真实语境与智慧鹰架的设计与评估-子计画二:开发、评估与验证跨平台机器人、互动绘本及影片与物联网化教玩具的学习系统编辑平台 (MOST 111-2410-H-468-006 -) 郑雅文(Ya-Wen Cheng)、陈年兴(Nian-Shing Chen) 2022.08 ~ 2023.07
奖项名称 颁奖单位
智创未来 : 2024 生成式AI创意设计竞赛-文创艺术组佳作 本校
智创未来 : 2024 生成式AI创意设计竞赛-文创艺术组冠军 本校
东吴大学111年度Kebbi凯比机器人教案竞赛 东吴大学
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 43U00332A 人文社会与AI应用 113
大学日间部 43U00333A 学习科学 113
大学日间部 43U00333B 学习科学 113
大学日间部 XDU00281A 人文社会与人工智能应用 113